The error state of a GIF data stream, or of one of the components of
the stream.

C# | Visual Basic | Visual C++ |
[FlagsAttribute] public enum ErrorState
<FlagsAttribute> _ Public Enumeration ErrorState
[FlagsAttribute] public enum class ErrorState

Member | Description |
Ok |
OK - no errors.
BadSignature |
The "GIF" signature at the start of the file could not be found.
CouldNotOpenFile |
Unable to open the file for reading. The file could already be open.
DataBlockTooShort |
A data block was read which was shorter than its declared length.
ColourTableTooShort |
A colour table was shorter than its declared length.
FrameHasNoColourTable |
One or more frames has no active colour table.
BadDataBlockIntroducer |
A data block begins with an invalid byte.
Valid bytes are:
0x2c - image separator
0x21 - extension
0x3b - terminator
0x00 - actually invalid but supported by the decoder
EndOfInputStream |
The decoder is still trying to read more data from the input stream
but has reached the end of the stream.
LzwMinimumCodeSizeTooLarge |
An image block contains a LZW minimum code size which would result
in a clear code larger than the maximum stack size.
NotANetscapeExtension |
An application extension declared itself as a Netscape extension
but does not follow the format of a Netscape extension.
IdentificationBlockTooLong |
The identification block is longer than 11 bytes.
DataBlockTooLong |
A data block was read which was longer than its declared length.
TooFewPixelsInImageData |
The table-based image data contained data for fewer pixels than
expected given the supplied image size.
UnableToIncreaseCodeSize |
The decoder's dictionary is full, it was not possible to increase
the code size given the maximum possible size of the dictionary.
CodeNotInDictionary |
A code was read which is not in the dictionary and is not the next
code available to be added to the dictionary.
StackSizeExceeded |
The next available code is greater than or equal to the maximum
stack size.
FrameHasNoImageData |
The frame's LZW image data decoded to a zero-length array.
UnexpectedBlockTerminator |
An unexpected block terminator was encountered.